Gaby Vandenabeele’s pigeons are amongst the favourites of the father of Mr Sorin . This , and the results and references of the Master Gaby himself , in the last 3-4 years , were decisive in the decision of Mr Sorin to visit Gaby , and to order youngsters from his best pigeons .
Mihai visited Gaby for the first time in 2004 , and since than , this was the 5 visit . So in the moment of the visit , it was like an old friends reunion , with Thomas Gyselbrecht also present . Like always , Gaby was a very nice host . It is unbeliavable how modestmost of the big champions are , Gaby beeing exactly the same . He presented us all his pigeons and he responded us very opened to our questions towards pigeon sport .
The brother of Gaby , share the same passion with Mr Sorin , namelly : singing birds like : canaries , bullfinch etc . Mr Sorin own more than 1000 of this , amongst them also the Balkanik Champions in singing cannaries . And from this, Mr Sorin delivered few to the brother of Gaby .
During their visit , their ordered 10 summer 2014 youngsters , from Gaby’s best breeders , the best example beeing 2 from Rudy – best Vandenabeele breeder in the world in the moment !!!