Rudi De Saer is one of the greatest Belgian champions of the time being. When his father , Antoine, the catalyst of his loft died in 2011, aged 68, many people were wondering about the results of the aviary having Rudi as the leader. A fantastic evolution, winning the 1st place at the National Championship and quite many qualifications in the National Top 100!!!

Rudi De Saer

Rudi De Saer

Rudi is a pigeon fancier fully dedicated to his pigeons; his dedication is like that of Janssen Brothers. At present Rudi is 46 years old, he is single and since the death of his father he has been living alone with his pigeons on his small property. Rudi has thoroughbred pigeons and he keeps the best birds of last year in the 2014 lot – for which he has already received quite attractive offers from Eastern countries. For this reason, he is considered the favourite competitor by his powerful rivals. When3 weeks ago, Team Florea Sorin bought two original De Saer pigeons, I draw Romanian dove fanciers’ attention on Rudi’s results of 2014, as I was pleased by the high quality of his pigeons. Last week-end Rudi won places 1, 2 and 4 from 6400 pigeons in the National Championship from Tours!!!

Florea Sorin , Rudi De Saer , Dinu Mihai

Florea Sorin , Rudi De Saer , Dinu Mihai

The De Saer lofts is made up of 95% Vandenabeele pigeons. Rudi and his father have continuously bought pigeons from the master of Detergem within the last 20 years. Besides these, Rudi also has pigeons from Gino Clique (Reaynaert) and Giselbrecht-Madeira ( De Saer-Vandenabeele). A part of the birds with which Rudi fights for the competition of 2014: “Witpen 681”: 3. National Brive 8,337 pigeons, losing the 1st place due to only 9 seconds!!! Thomas Gyselbrecht was in Rudi’s courtyard at the time and told us how the pigeon came relaxed, after a tough race, with hot weather and the wind blowing in its face , and instead of entering the loft, it flied three times around the aviary, as if anouncing its arrival…these were exactly 9 seconds – for which it lost the 1st place at the National Race.

“Favoriet” :

4. Prov. Ace DEmifond si Fond 2012
40. National Chateauroux 15.904 p
41. National Souillac 5.285 p
69. National Tulle 7.350 p
54. Nat. Zone Argenton 8.476 p
74. Nat. Zone Montlucon 2.646 p


10. Nat. La Souterraine 11.236 p
28. Nat. Souillac 3.641 p
9. Nat. Zone Gueret 2.222 p
20. Nat. Zone Tulle 2.209 p

“Blue Boy 2″ :

8. National Souillac 3.641 p

“Blue Princess” :

1. Nat. Zone Issoudun 2013

Antoine & Rudi De Saer

Antoine & Rudi De Saer