It was the first time that famous Dr.Brockamp visited Romania . He was here on the invitation , on now his good friend Mr Sorin . The main purpose was to visit the breeding lofts of Mr Sorin , the breeding lofts that everybody is talking about . Dr.Brockamp was very patient , and he tooked hundreds of pigeons in hand , sharing with us all his ideeas about selecting the pigeons in hand , and his ways regarding the pairing of the pigeons .
All the famous guests that already visited Team Florea Sorin , were asked to be direct and really opened in selecting our pigeons . Only like this , we are sure we can improve our pigeons , but also ourselfs as fanciers . Dr.Brockamp was really impressed by the quality of Leo Heremans pigeons owned by us , but also about the old romanian long distance lines , lines that he adviced us to cross with sprint pigeons , like the one from Stieneker , Koopman or Heremans .
Mr Sorin thought also at the romanian fanciers , especially the ones in our province , and he organised a beautiful seminar about pigeons , with Dr.Brockamp as a profesor . At the pigeon seminar were present many fanciers , fanciers who wanted to learn as much as possible from the Marathon Master himself . Dr Brockamp answered to all questions with patience and as opened as possible . Everybody was noting down new informations regarding feeding , pairing and modern managment in pigeon racing .
We have to mention that already for 2 years , Mr Sorin is importing all the products of Dr.Brockamp , the pigeons of Team Florea Sorin being treated only with Brockamp products . Is very hard to keep healthy a big colony with 800 pigeons , even if Mihai is a veterinary doctor , but with the Brockamp products , things are so much easier .
This 3 days went like few minutes , and for sure both parts shared this mutual feelings .
It was the first visit of Dr.Brockamp , but for sure not the last one !!!