Breeding hen of sensational genes – mother to topper ‘Eagle Ace’
5. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2011
Bred from ‘Super Breeder 240’ x ‘Super Hen 218’
============================================================================= Super breeding hen & mother to ‘Eagle Ace’ 275/09: 5. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2011 1. ‘NW Brabant’ Brive – 239 birds 4. Nat. Brive – 10,089 birds 677 km 1. Argenton – 306 birds 525 km 3. prov. Argenton – 2,018 birds 17. Nat. Zone Argenton – 7,132 birds 1. ‘NW Brabant’ Souillac – 155 birds 19. Nat. Zone Souillac – 1,841 birds 703 km 3. Noyon – 241 birds 177 km 4. ‘NW Brabant’ Limoges – 679 birds 63. Nat. Zone Limoges – 5,984 birds 644 km 4. Vierzon – 223 birds 450 km 7. Noyon – 318 birds 177 km 8. Chateauroux – 306 birds 497 km 9. Noyon – 419 birds 177 km ————————————————————————————————————————— Nest mate to ‘Brother Eagle Eye’ 687/08, father of ‘New Champ 025’ 1. La Chatre – 382 birds (76. Nat. Zone 7,806 birds) 250. Nat. La Chatre – 21,180 birds 1. Noyon – 200 birds 2012 2. Angerville – 848 birds 2012 2. Chateauroux – 274 birds (43. Nat. Zone 9,112 birds) 149. Nat. Chateauroux – 25,263 birds 4. Limoges – 369 birds (41. s-Nat. 3,361 birds) 118. Nat. Zone Limoges – 5,150 birds (449. Nat. 14,686 birds) 7. Argenton – 381 birds (222. Nat. Zone 6,803 birds) 762. Nat. Argenton – 19,782 birds 8. Tulle – 161 birds 2013 (66. Nat. Zone 2,271 birds) 186. Nat. Tulle – 7,350 birds 75. I.prov. Vierzon – 1,768 birds 2011 8. Noyon – 385 birds 178 km 2011 10. Noyon – 372 birds 178 km 2011 ‘Eagle Girl 068’ 4. Nat. acebird ‘Van Robaeys Duivenkrant’ middle distance 2012 4x 1. prize winner, 18x top 5 winner, 19x top 10% winner 1. Chateauroux – 245 birds 498 km 2012 1. Bourges – 186 birds 449 km 2012 1. Argenton – 116 birds 525 km 2012 1. Bourges – 101 birds 449 km 2011 2. Montlucon – 230 birds 525 km 2012 2. Vierzon – 461 birds 440 km 2011 3. Tulle – 164 birds 628 km 2012 4. Noyon – 532 birds 178 km 2010 4. Noyon – 395 birds 178 km 2010 4. Bourges – 399 birds 449 km 2011 4. I.prov. Tulle – 666 birds 2012 5. Chateauroux II – 205 birds 498 km 2012 5. I.prov. Vierzon – 1,768 birds 2011 18. I.prov. Chateauroux – 1,312 birds 2012 18. Nat. Zone Tulle – 2,033 birds 2012 23. Nat. Zone Montlucon – 6,083 birds 2012 36. s-Nat. Vierzon – 6,659 birds 2011 43. Nat. Montlucon – 17,865 birds 2012 54. s-Nat. Bourges – 5,767 birds 2011 58. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 5,671 birds 2012 84. Nat. Zone Bourges – 4,582 birds 2011 99. Nat. Zone Bourges – 7,898 birds 2012 151. Nat. Tulle – 6,817 birds 2012 158. Nat. Zone Bourges – 9,628 birds 2011 230. Nat. Bourges – 20,544 birds 2011 244. Nat. Bourges – 20,589 birds 2012 268. Nat. Bourges – 12,607 birds 2011 379. Nat. Chateauroux – 16,479 birds 2012 543. Nat. Argenton – 12,390 birds 2012 ‘Brother New Champ’ 583/12 9. Nat. Zone Poitiers 563 km – 2,538 birds 2013 6. Noyon 177 km – 527 birds 2013 9. Angerville 335 km – 157 birds 2012 29. Angerville 335 km – 310 birds 2012 32. Angerville 335 km – 554 birds 2012 ‘Blauwe 024’ (bred 2010) 3. Gueret – 161 birds (61. s-Nat. – 3,413 birds) 132. Nat. Zone Gueret – 4,675 birds (511. Nat. 13,885 birds) 7. Vierzon – 461 birds (34. prov. – 1,768 birds) 176. s-Nat. Vierzon – 6,659 birds 48. prov. La Chatre 831 birds (414. Nat. Zone – 7,806 birds) 578. Nat. Zone Argenton – 6,803 birds ‘The 069’ (bred 2010) 8. Noyon – 532 birds 8. Noyon – 372 birds 94. Dourdan – 3,835 birds 321. Nat. Zone Limoges – 5,150 birds ————————————————————————————————————————— Full sister to ‘Eagle Eye’, the Limbourg legend and later super breeder Marc De Cock 1. Nat. acebird allround from Belgium 2007-2009 4. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2009 5. Olympiad bird allround Dortmund 2008 6. Nat. acebird middle distance young LCB 2007 Co winner 5. Nat. championship Belgium yearlings 2008 5x 1. prize winner 5. Nat. Zone Cahors – 2,141 birds 7. Nat. Zone Tulle – 1,689 birds 15. Nat. Zone Souillac – 2,601 birds ‘Eagle Eye’ was most expensive bird ever in a public pigeon auction! ————————————————————————————————————————— Half sister to ‘Half brother Eagle Eye’ Marc De Cock 1. Nat. Zone Limoges – 3,986 birds 53. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 9,112 birds (190. Nat. 25,263 birds) 171. Nat. Zone Souillac – 2,447 birds 345. Nat. Cahors – 8,348 birds 514. Nat. Limoges – 14,686 birds 630. Nat. Argenton – 19,782 birds 929. Nat. La Souterraine – 17,017 birds 1278. Nat. Souillac – 7,760 birds ============================================================================= – – – – > Bloodlines of ‘Miss Fantastic’ Bred from ‘Super Breeder 240’ x ‘Super Hen 218’ – Father is ‘Superkweker 240’, wonderful performer & breeder Winner of 5. prov. Limoges – 823 birds 31. Nat. Limoges – 17,456 birds 52. prov. Chateauroux – 2,844 birds 120. s-Nat. Chateauroux – 14,082 birds 74. Bourges – 3,002 birds Half brother to ‘Bolleke Watten’ 4. prov. acebird KBDB allround 2008 38. Nat. Limoges – 16,012 birds 69. Nat. Zone Bourges – 6,504 birds 73. Nat. Cahors – 7,347 birds 97. s-Nat. Tulle – 2,017 birds Grandson to ‘Slimmen’ 1. prov. Bourges – 988 birds 1. prov. Blois – 909 birds 1. prov. Argenton – 883 birds 3. s-Nat. Argenton – 3,621 birds 7. Nat. Bourges – 8,807 birds ‘Slimmen’ is father to ‘All Round’ 1. Nat. Zone Narbonne – 2,389 birds 2. Nat. Narbonne – 8,204 birds 6. s-Nat. Chateauroux – 12,155 birds 1. Nat. acebird yearlings BDS1999 2. Nat acebird midde distance De Reisduif 1999 3. Nat. Ace of Aces De Reisduif 1999 ‘Slimmen’ is father to ‘Jonge Vooruit’ 1. Noyon – 301 birds 2000 1. Dourdan – 289 birds 2000 13. Nat. Narbonne – 6,629 birds 2000 167. Nat. Limoges – 23,550 birds 2000 8. s-Nat. Chateauroux – 10,295 birds 2000 89. s-Nat. La Souterraine – 7,089 birds 2000 1. Nat. acebird Duivenkrant 1. Nat. acebird Allround Duivenkrant 1. Nat acebird LCB yearlings 1. Nat. acebird BDS yearlings Grandchild to wonder pair ‘Marseille’ x ‘Het Fijn Blauw’ – Mother is ‘Super Hen 216’, fine racer & magical breeding hen Winner of 60. s-Nat. La Souterraine – 11,528 birds 68. Nat. Zone Bourges – 10,680 birds 88. Nat. La Souterraine – 16,297 birds Granddaughter to ‘Floere Perpignan’ 1. Nat. Perpignan – 7,198 birds Original Ace Pigeon Loft – Erik Limbourg