The Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race is one of the fastest growing One Loft Races in the world. PIPA is present during the basketing and arrival of the pigeons for the final race, which is held Saturday 30th of June. We will keep you informed with several updates.

When the VFWCPR first started in 2016, the idea was to have a yearly young bird race in January of the next year. Participants could enter birds till August and the final was 5 months later. Despite the fact that both the 2 first editions ran very smooth, still the management of VFWCPR felt that with some changes, the race could grow into an even better race.

There was three main problems that VFWCPR faced, for the final being held during January. First of all, it is full summer in Zimbabwe then, temperatures rise up to 40 degrees and more, which is just too hot for the pigeons to have a normal final race. Second problem is that in summer and during the period of the training and hot spot races, hawk attacks are much more frequent then in winter time. Almost every training, pigeons arrived home injured, caused by the hawk attacks. Third and maybe biggest issue was the fact that, the moulting of young birds born in the southern hemisphere is at its peak in January. The longest day of the year in southern hemisphere is 21st of December, after that moulting goes quick and by the time of the final race, most of those birds were moulting too much. While the northern hemisphere birds only started moulting several weeks later. This gave a disadvantage to the birds born in southern hemisphere.

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