October begins with a special event in the world of pigeon sport in our country. Mr. Sorin Florea inaugurates this weekend a new lofts in Romania! On this occasion, great names from the pigeon community world wide have honored the invitation and will be with Team Florea Sorin.
On Saturday, October 7, 2017, the opening ceremony of a new loft will be held, located in Tunari, Ilfov County. The lofts are built and equipped according to the highest international standards and equipped with the best equipment. Along with Mr. Sorin Florea will take part at this extraordinary event, prestigious breeders such as Gino Clique, which recorded a remarkable performance at the auction in which a lot of 405 pigeons was sold with the sum of 2,145,285 euros, resulting in an average of 5,297 euro / pigeon, the Golden Prince pigeon sold with the sum of 360,000 euros.
The sensation of the year, Daniel Bucaciuc, will also participate in the official opening of the loft. Mr. Bucaciuc has recorded a world record, his pigeon, Mr Fantastic, sold for the sum of 500,000 euros.
Among the participants in the inauguration of Team Florea Sorin, there will also be Hugo Batenburg, the world famous long-distance pigeon fancier (Witbuik dynasty), winner of an impressive number of awards in many columbodrames, national and international competitions, and Stefaan Lambrechts, champion of many provincial and national competitions in Belgium.
The meeting will also be attended by Mr. Thomas Gyselbrecht, an associate in the prestigious PIPA agency, which has become the synonym of pigeon auctions. Thomas, with his brother Nikolaas, has been with Mr. Florea since the initiation of this ambitious project called Team Florea Sorin.
Today, after 5 years of hard work, important acquisitions and achievement of notable results, the dream begins to turn into reality with the opening of the new loft. Another chapter is about to be written and we hope we will still be surrounded by the same people.