He was already the most successful fancier in Brive at national level as he went on to win a 1st Prov. Cahors the following week, and now the long distance champion from Ingelmunster is once again outstanding at national level in the national race from Limoges II.
It was the exact same team that also dominatd the race from Tours and Brive earlier this season that was now basketed for the national race from Limoges on Saturday 8th of July. It was in the national race from Brive that Joël Verschoot was considered the most sucessful Belgium fancier by far (click here to reread our report about Brive).

1st Provincial and 2nd National Limoges II

This year’s national race from Limoges took place in tough but brilliant weather. It was a sunny day in France, with a headwind that ranged from northeast to northwest over the course of the day, eventually settling north. Temperatures rose up to about 28 degrees later in the day. These are the conditions in which the most talented pigeons shine. The weather was very similar to the race from Brive, and Joël decided to basket the same team for the two races. Needless to say, he was quite excited about this race, hoping for another spectacular result, especially because the full brothers Armando (first nominated) and Barry (second nominated), along with supercrack Contador (third nominated) were still in peak form. It was clear that Joël had great confidence, judging from the team that he basketed for this race. His three leaders have by no means betrayed his trust.

The race proved another major success, as the team overwhelmed their opponents. The three champions claimed a 1st, 2nd and 3rd at club level against 551 old birds, and a 1st, 7th and 8th Provincial against 2,185 pigeons. They settled for 2nd, 17th and 18th at National level against 9,102 pigeons. It was a memorable day for racing birds Armando, Contador and Barry respectively.

Limoges Club    551 olds: 1-2-3-84 (4/6)
        Prov. 2,186 olds: 1-7-8-307 (4/6, preliminary results)
        Nat.  9,102 olds: 2-17-18-790 (4/6, preliminary results)

The yearlings did great as well, winning the following national results against 10,325 yearlings): 283-838-1029 (3/4). Still, their achievements are being overshadowed by the impressive results of the old birds’ team. Here is a closer look at the achievements of the three champions from Ingelmunster:

Armando BE14-3004610

 2nd Nat Limoges II 9,102 p. ’17
10th Nat Brive      9,126 p. ’17
12th Prov Tours     6,720 p. ’17
85th Nat Limoges I 14,924 p. ’17
 9th Clermont         353 p. ’17
48th Nat Jarnac     4,167 p. ’16
18th Prov Tulle     1,306 p. ’15
94th Prov Gueret    1,952 p. ’15

Armando comes from top class pair Picasso x Luna, just like Barry.
Click here for the full palmares and pedigree of Armando


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