Pioneer International Racing Pigeon din Beijing a devenit o cursa foarte apreciata nu numai în China, ci și la nivel internațional. In fiecare an, sezonul de curse din China atinge apogeul cu aceasta cursa.

In those four weeks numerous renowned fanciers compete for the most prestigious title in China, both inside and outside the Pioneer Club premises. On 2nd of November a total of 3,562 pigeons from 167 different fanciers were basketed for the second race, which was to take off the following day in Heze (500km),in the Shandong province. The pigeons were released at 7:36am, ready to fly into a strong headwind all day. About seven hours later one pigeon suddenly fell from the sky, and the name of Guo Weicheng appeared on the screen (1,192 m/min.).

Guo Weicheng has always been a trusted PIPA client and he is probably the biggest collector of pigeons worldwide. Another series of pigeons arrived home a few minutes later, both around the loft itself and around the domain. But no other pigeon would come close to dethroning Guo Weicheng, who in fact had five more pigeons in the top 10 (9th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 17th). He did in fact have five more pigeons in the top 20 (9th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 17th prize), outperforming the rest of the pack.

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