In 2017, ‘Mr Fantastic’ from Daniel Bucaciuc gained international attention with his record breaking sale. It was not really a surprise, given that he achieved the lowest ever coefficient in his discipline, which explains why he attracted the interest of the biggest collectors from the world.

Daniel & one of his favourite.

On 08th of July he booked the third and last price needed for his ranking on Limoges II, eventually getting an overall coefficient of 0.2524%. Insiders quickly understood that it would be impossible to beat ‘Mr Fantastic’ and that he was on his way to becoming the 1st National Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB with an incredible 0.2524% coefficient, the lowest ever recorded. In the end, Daniel eventually beat the pigeon of Karel Sarrazin (0.8396%) and the one from the excellent Joel Verschoot (0.8544%). Daniel Bucaciuc had gained an excellent reputation thanks to his outstanding results over the years but it was for the first time in his career that he actually claimed a national championhsip title.

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