4 auctions closed this weekend, which are briefly discussed below. The four auctions raised 488.500 EURO in total.
One Loft Race fanciers across the world have been looking forward to the exceptional pigeon collection that was offered for sale by Mark Kitchenbrand. The auction proved a major success, and “Birdy”, the hen that is about to turn 9, has been sold for an impressive 61,000 EURO! She was sold to a top loft in The Netherlands, and this sale was the starting point for a very successful auction: pigeon fanciers from across the world placed their bids in the eight closing hours. The Kitchenbrand pigeons were sold to 20 different countries: Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Irak, Kuweit, Malta, The Netherlands, Rumania, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, the USA and the UK. The second most expensive pigeon was “Sylt Orpheus”, which was sold for 20,000 to a top loft in the United States. The 179 pigeons raised 421,275 euro in total.
Stickers-Donckers – 22 pigeons – 1,157 EURO/pigeon
A group of 22 racing birds of the renowned sprint loft Stinckers-Donckers have been sold in auction, incudlng several first prize winners. The most expensive bird was “Grey 079”, which was sold to China for 2,000 euro. The 22 pigeons raised 25,450 euro in total.
Koen Minderhoud – 6 pigeons – 2,500 EURO/pigeon
Six young birds from his best breeders were sold in auction, including a young bird from Geeloger, which was sold to Germany for 7,000 euro. A daughter of his Turbo Has been sold to a Dutch fancier for 2,000 euro. The 6 youngsters raised 15,000 euro in total. The 6 youngsters raised 15,000 euro in total.
Arie Dijkstra – 22 pigeons – 1,217 EURO/pigeon
A number of top class racing birds were sold, along with some young birds from his best racers and breeders. The most expensive pigeon was a young bird of Leontien, which was sold to Germany for 2,600 euro. Racing bird Luka was sold to Japan for 2,200 euro, and a youngster of Octavio was sold to The Filippines for 2,200 euro. The 22 pigeons raised 26,775 euro in total.