Pigeonsport on a very high level can also be familysport. To show you how this is nowadays possible I would like to introduce the family of Klaus Stieneker which are really 100 % pigeon crazy.
But first there is something very interesting to tell about the successtory of the “Stieneker’s” Klaus was racing in the regionalclub RV Greven with the furthest position of this club very well and won fairly all the races and championships in the last 8 years. So there have been enough fanciers which were envying and teasing him that he is just racing so good because of his back laying position in the club.
Klaus was a bit angry about this situation and had the idea in 2000 to let his daughter Franziska and here cousin Lisa Rosenbusch race in the neighbor regionalclub RV Lengerich were thet would have the shortes distance even 3 km shorter than the already racing guys in this club. Nobody could complain in the future about back laying position and advantage.
This decision to race in two different clubs out of one loft is quite hard because you have to spilt the racingteam into two groups.One for the “girls” (Franziska & Lisa) and one for Klaus himself.To win the championship in both clubs you need the 5 best pigeons of each member. together 10 very good pigeons with superresults are necessary out of one loft ! By the way I think there are enough fanciers which would be very happy if they would even have 5 pigeons not talking over ten superbirds.
To meet this challenge you need a amount of high quality birds for racing and a gold mine of a breedingloft to stay on this top level.
In the beginning of this unbelieving successtory Klaus got from one of his best friends Werner Grundel many tipps and also good pigeons mainly out of the strain from Werner Grundel his “MARCEL” orig. Marcel Antonissen (belgium champion 1990) with 18 x 1. prize !
From the clubfriends Josef Brocks an Herbert Coersmeier he got a daughter of his famous “23” which was 1997 the 6. national Ace-Cock from whole germany (35.000 active members).
In the year 2000 this hen gave the famous hen “HANNI” 01654-00-659 she won 5 x 1. prize and in 2005 she won the 2. prize of the big regionalcompetition against 13.137 pigeons. The winer of this great race was the super-yearling “600” from Frank Sander, Münster. Mister Sander is one of the best pigeonfriends from Klaus Stieneker ! The 3. prize of this big competition was the ace-cock “CARLOS” also in 2006 the 3. national Ace-cock of whole germany (35.000 active members).
At the moment there are about 25 pairs in the breeding loft of the “Stienekers”.
The most important breeders are:

The “GUMMI” 01654-99-1081 he was in 2004 one of the best cocks of geramny and you could see him at the “Matadoren-show” in Dortmund ! This cock was 2003 the best cock of the regionalverband ( about 500 active members) and olympic reseve pigeon.
His best results:1.,1.,2.,2.,3.,4.,4.,4.,4.,5., 8., 9., 11., 13.,14.,16.,17.,18.,18., 20. ect.
The “CARLOS” he was with 992,43 Ace-points the 3. Ace-cock from whole germany !!
Olympic pigeon of germany 2007 in Oostende !!
His best performance: 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 3., 4., 7., 7., 8. ect.

The “1111” he was in 2006 the best cock of the regional club RV Lengerich. He won from
14 races 13 prize. In whole germany he is with 954,32 Ace-points the 9. best cock in 2006.
His best performance: 1;, 7., 8., 10., 10., 10., 12., 14., 15. ect.
The “1993” with 14/13 prize he was in 2006 the 2. best cock of the regionalclub RV Lengerich with 942, 65 Ace-points.He was 17. national Ace-cock of germany 2006.
His best performance: 1., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 3., 4., 5., 5., 6., 12., 13., 14., 16. ect.
The “HANNI” she was in 2004 1. Ace-hen allround in the regionalverband (about 500 active members) and 14. national Ace-hen of whole germany long dicstance. She made 50 pirzes in here racing career. Her best performance: 1.,1.,1.,1.,1., 2., 2., 4., 7., 9., 11., 12., 13., 14. ect.
The “DAISY” she was the only pigeon in the regionalclub RV Lengerich with 14/14 after
2005 where she made 12/13 prizes.
Her best performance: 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 3., 8., 9., 11;, 18., 19. ect.
Now the best belgium breeders in the loft:
B-01-6523382 son “Kannibaal” orig. Dirk Van Dyck
Pedigree : Click here
B-00-6551955 son “Kannibaal” orig. Dirk Van Dyck
Pedigree : Click here
B-00-6551918 daughter “Rambo” orig. Dirk Van Dyck
Pedigree : Click here
The son “Kannibaal” 1955 together with the daugther of „Rambo“ 1918 is the best breedingpair in the loft of Klaus Stieneker !!
As you can see there are just very good pigeons and no secrets in this loft !
Two racing-teams: Klaus is racing with 25 cocks and 8 hens and the “girls” (Franziska & Lisa) have 20 hens and 12 cocks. Every team ist racing with round about 30 pigeons. After a selection there are about 70 youngsters which are splited into two teams for the youngster races. That this system is right way you can see on the results of the last years:
The main highligths of the last years:
4. National Champion of Germany (35.000 active members) 2002
1. Champion of Germany from the “Gouden Duif “ 2002
1. Superstar long distance “Gouden Duif” 2004
68 x 1. prize from 2001 untill 2006
3., 9., and 17., national Ace-cock from whole germany 2006
14. and 48. national Champion of germany 2006
Some results and championships of 2006 from Klaus Stieneker:
1. RV – Gerneralchampion (Regionalclub Greven)
1. RV – Champion (Regionalclub Greven)
1. RV – Verbandschampion (Regionalclub Greven)
3. RV – Yearlingchampion (Regionalclub Greven)
2. RV – Youngsterchampion (Regionalclub Greven)
1. best cock of Regionalclub Greven
4. best cock of Regionalclub Greven
9. best cock of Regionalclub Greven
1. best yearling-cock of Regionalclub Greven
3. best yearling-cock of Regionalclub Greven
1. best youngster of Regionalclub Greven
2. best youngster of Regionalclub Greven
4 x 1. prize and 5 x 2. prize !
1. Gut Flug Generalchampionat ( from whole germany)
1. Gut Flug Champion short distance ( from whole germany)
3. Gut Flug Champion middle distance ( from whole germany)
7. Gut Flug Champion long distance ( from whole germany)
1. Ace-cock allround in the Regionalverband ( 500 active members)
1. best youngster in the Regionalverband ( 500 active members)
Results and championships from Franziska Stieneker & Lisa Rosenbusch in 2006:
1. RV – Generalchampion Regionalclub Lengerich
1. RV – Champion Regionalclub Lengerich
1. RV – Verbandschampion Regionalclub Lengerich
1. RV – Champion hens Regionalclub Lengerich
3. RV – Yearlingchampion Regionalclub Lengerich
2. RV – Youngsterchampion Regionalclub Lengerich
1. best cock of Regionalclub Lengerich
2. best cock of Regionalclub Lengerich
5. best cock of Regionalclub Lengerich
1.best hen of Regionalclub Lengerich
7.best hen of Regionalclub Lengerich
1.best yearling cock of Regionalclub Lengerich
11 x 1. prize and 2 x 2. prize !!bronze-, silver-, goldmedal and Aktion Mensch medal
1. „Gouden Duif“ 2006 Reeks halve fond August/September
2. “Gouden Duif” 2006 Reeks snelheid August/September
3. ”Gouden Duif” 2006 Superstar of the year short distance
4. “Gouden Duif” 2006 Superstar of the year middle distance
Regionalverband 409 (500 active members)
1. Regional Verbandschampion intern
2. Regional and National Allroundchampion
2. Regional Verbandschampion youngsters intern
2. Ace-cock of the verband allround
4. Ace-cock of the verband allround
6. Ace-hen of the verband allround
7. Ace-hen of the verband allround
From whole germany ( 35.000 active members)
14. Regional and National Allroundchampion
5. RV-Champion of Verband
9. National Ace-cock of Verband Allround
17. National Ace-cock of Verband Allround
12. German Brieftaubenchampionat
7. Champion of “ Die Brieftaube”
To play on this high level Klaus would like to say thank you to his good german friend GÜNTER PRANGE and to his belgium friend DIRK VAN DYCK because both of them made him to this what he is now in the pigeonsport ! A real CHAMPION !!
In the meantime there are many fanciers in germany, switzerland and in the USA which could already benefit from the quality of this german super loft.
If you need more informations from this loft please send a e-mail to: markus.bauer@telenet.be