Friday evening the 15th of January in the auction room Oad Thoear in Thorn (NL) a new world record established. The auction took place of 57 youngsters from Jan Hooymans from Kerkdriel.
The 2009 season was and absolute wonder for Jan Hooymans with a.o. 2 NPO victories and an entire series of teletext (TOP 10 NPO) notations. The entire top of the Netherlands was gathered together in Thorn want because for the first and last time 2 youngsters were being auctioned from the wonder couple which has a.o. produced the Harry (1° NPO, 1° NPO, 3° NPO). Huge amounts were counted out, straight away with sale 1, the first youngster of the wonder couple ‘Jonge Bliksem’ (son Bliksem) X ‘Dirkje’ (daughter Kleine Dirk X Amore), sold to Comb. Van Wanrooij for 36.000 EURO incl. extra’s. The last to bid against them was Gerard Koopman. Then sale 6, sold to Hans Eijerkamp & Sons for 13.200 EURO, a son of super pigeon Harry.
The absolute highlight was saved for teh end. Sale 57 was a hen from the super couple, the last that would ever be sold. It was hard against hard, several bidders up to 20.000 EURO, then it was the absolute top of the Netherlands against each other, Gerard Koopman against Pieter Veenstra. In the end it was Pieter & Gea Veenstra who picked the long straw and paid no less than 96.000 EURO incl. extra’s for this beautiful hen. No doubt a world record that will never be broken?! Proof once again that quality and also exclusivity are the main key words when offering pigeons for sale. Congratulations to Pieter & Gea with this beautiful acquisition!