What Luc, Bart & Jurgen Geerinckx have raced together over the last few seasons is simply phenomenal… almost bordering on the unbelievable. A recital of provincial victories, national victory from Limoges Derby, national titles …

… as a result of which we can definitely categorise this colony as belonging to the ‘greatest’ that our country has to offer from middle distance to light long distance!

The Geerinckx-colony has been on an upward march for a few years now… but the real recognition came when they were flagged as ‘National Champion Yearlings KBDB 2004’… there later followed more titles so as ‘General Champion Fond club Antwerp 2008’… they won the ‘2° Nat Ace pigeon Long Distance Belgische Verstandhouding- Entente Belge 2008’, and achieved a national victory brilliantly with the ‘1° Nat Limoges’ against both the 11.869 old birds as the 6.138 two-year olds! These are just a few examples from the lengthy list of ‘highlights’… with which Luc, Bart and Jurgen gradually became well-known, even far abroad. Since the uprise of the internet, our pigeon sport is closely followed and analysed worldwide… and whoever manages to be successful nationally, year in, year out, so as the Geerinckx pigeons have been, enjoy name and fame within the shortest space of time!
The 2010 sport season at that level was just the same as 2009… once again, one to frame, because after their national victory from Limoges Derby in 2009… they were treacherously close there in Wommelgem to adding the following national triumph to their honours list once again with no less than two 2° places and a 3° National! Let’s take another look at the highlights from 2009-2010:

8 x 1° Provincial victory in Antwerp in 2009-2010
1°     National Limoges Derby 11.869 p. 2009 with the ‘Nationaal’
1°     National Chateauroux zone B  6.149 p. 2010 with the ‘National Treasure’
2°     National Chateauroux 17.109 p. 2010 with ‘National Treasure’
2°     National Argenton 5.043 p. 2009 with ‘Xena’
2°     National La Souterraine 4.778 p. 2010 with ‘Iron Lady’
3°     National Argenton 5.763 p. 2010 with ‘Iron Lady’

What a wealth…  and living proof that the Geerinckx pigeons are real ‘national top’… pigeons which have a surplus of ‘power’, ‘speed’ and ‘orientation ability’ which allows them to shake ‘stunts’… and ‘victories’ up to provincial and national level out of their wings! High time and food enough then to take a closer look at the ‘highflyers’ concerned from the Geerinckx colony from the previous 2010 sport:

Iron Lady B08-6259143

Iron Lady B08-6259143

Iron Lady B08-6259143

Won in 2010:

Argenton       Prov   647 p.   1
               Nat  5.756 p.   3
La Souterraine Nat  4.778 p.   2
Vierzon      I.Prov 8.869 p.  50
Chateauroux    Zone 7.400 p.  77
Chateauroux    Zone 6.149 p. 238
Bourges        Nat 22.476 p. 857

This super hen also won in 2009 1° Prov Chateauroux against 2.611 p.
Father: B96-6618311 ‘Blue Ijzeren’
A super breeder in the lofts in Wommelgem and father of the ‘Diamantje’, ‘Blue Vierzonneke’, ‘Blue Girl’, ‘Iron Lady’, ‘Iron Men’, ‘Bloedpen’ etc…
He is self a son of the ‘IJzeren 044/94’, a direct Staf Mertens from Wijnegem (and grandfather of the 1° Prov Chateauroux in 2009 and 2010) x ‘Grijsoogje Denisse’, a direct Stan Denisse from Kapellen
Mother: B02-6506323 ‘Eénwitpen Willyke’
Top breeding hen out that superior line of the ‘Willyke’… and mother of ‘Blue Vierzonneke’, ‘Blue Girl’, Iron Lady’, ‘Iron Men’, ‘Bloedpen’, ‘Iron Star’ etc…
She is a daughter of the ‘Blouse Orleans 093/95’, self 6 x 1° Prize Noyon (and son of the Jonge Orleans 250/89 Flor Van Loock x ‘Blue Gremel 255/89’) x golden stock mother ‘Willyke 637/98’, self 1° Prov Bourges, 1° Noyon, 1° Quiévrain, 4° Prov Chateauroux, 63° Nat Bourges 9.091 p… and mother of the ‘Super Willy’, ‘Miss Limoges’, ‘Wit Willyke’ etc… (as daughter of the ‘Chequere Bert 989/93 x ‘Blue White pen Willy 983/92’ both direct Jef Keirsmakers)!

-‘Iron Star’ B08-6259086
Full sister of ‘Iron Lady 143/08’… she performed as follows in 2010:

Melun               2.037 p.  98
Angerville          2.186 p. 103
Chateauroux    Prov 2.273 p. 144
Bourges        Nat 22.476 p.  43
Chateauroux    Prov 2.412 p.  1

Black Dream B08-6259140
A full sister of the mother 1° Nat. Bourges 2010 by Gaston van de Wouwer!

Black Dream B08-6259140

Black Dream B08-6259140

Won in 2010:

Vierzon                499 p.   1
              I.Prov 8.869 p.  33
Noyon                  432 p.   3
Chateauroux     Zone 6.149 p.  11
                Nat 17.109 p.  45
Bourges         Nat 22.476 p. 310
Chateauroux     Prov 2.412 p.  60
Argenton        Prov 1.064 p.  21
                Zone 3.761 p.  74

Father: B05-6054295 ‘Late Witte Willy’
In addition to being father of ‘Black Dream’ also grandfather 1° Nat Bourges!
He stems out the ‘titan couple’ of the Geerinckx colony, namely the ‘Wittekop Sylvester 241/02’, father of the ‘Super Willy’, ‘Miss Limoges’, ‘Wit Willyke’, ‘Miss Le Mans’, ‘Argento’, ‘Willow’, ‘Black & White’, ‘Klein Willyke’ etc… (and comes self out the ‘Black Slaets 487/95’, a direct Fons Slaets from Lint… x ‘Wittekop Pootje 938/94’) x golden stock mother ‘Willyke 637/98’, self 1° Prov Bourges, 1° Noyon, 1° Quiévrain, 4° Prov Chateauroux, 63° Nat Bourges 9.091 p… and mother of the ‘Super Willy’, ‘Miss Limoges’, ‘Wit Willyke’ etc… (as daughter of the ‘Chequere Bert 989/93 x ‘Blue White pen Willy 983/92’ both direct Jef Keirsmakers)!
Mother: B05-6054214 ‘Chateaurouxke’
1° Blois 627 p., 2° Intprov Chateauroux 3.391 p., 2° Prov Blois 2.135 p., 6° Prov Chateauroux 2.024 p., 13° Prov Blois 1.112 p… and self already grandmother 1° Nat Bourges! She is a daughter of the ‘Slate Super breeder 009/95’ (out a crossing of the old stock lines Soontjens x Van Loock) x ‘Witkopje IJzeren 152/00’ (daughter of the ‘IJzeren 044/94’ Staf Mertens x ‘Witrug 833/94’).

National Treasure B08-6374778

National Treasure B08-6374778

National Treasure B08-6374778

Won in 2010:

Chateauroux    Zone 6.149 p.   1
               Nat 17.109 p.   2
Argenton       Prov 1.064 p.   8
Vierzon      I.Prov 8.869 p.  65
Bourges        Nat 22.476 p. 194
Chateauroux    Prov 2.412 p.  77

Father: B03-6483323 ‘Taranta’
Self 2° Ace pigeon Union o.b. in 2006, with a.o. 1° Quiévrain 370 p., 1° Dourdan 341 p., 2° Marne 171 p., 2° Noyon 252 p., 3° Dourdan 372 p., 7° Toury 693 p. etc… on his honours list!
He is self a son of the ‘blue Orleans 093/95’, also father of the ‘Eénwitpen Willyke’ (mother of the ‘Iron Lady’)… this time coupled with the ‘Wittekop Bil 396/95’, mother of the ‘Orleanske’, ‘Super Blue’, ‘blue Argenton’, ‘Toronto’ etc… (and daughter of the ‘Gebroken Bil 122/86’ with his 2 x 1° prize… x ‘Groot Vaal 005/92’).
Mother: B05-6118235 ‘White pen Wouters’
Mother of ‘Xena’: 2° Nat Argenton… and ‘National Treasure’: 2° Nat Chateauroux!
A direct Marcel Wouters… and full sister of the ‘Leeuw’, 8° Nat Ace pigeon Middle Distance KBDB!

Primera B09-6326077

Primera B09-6326077

Primera B09-6326077

Won in 2010:

Chateauroux    Prov 3.147 p.   1
Bourges        Nat 17.138 p. 185
Chateauroux    Zone 8.353 p.  35
               Nat 22.718 p. 120
Melun               2.265 p.  52 
Bourges        Nat  5.139 p. 205

Father: B05-6052018 ‘Fluwelen 18’
Self 1° Quiévrain 563 p… and also father of ‘First Lady’, 2° best youngster from Belgium over 4 national races! He is a son of the Vale Super breeder 009/95’ (out a crossing of the old stock lines Soontjens x Van Loock) x ‘Orleanske 748/99’, self 1° Ace pigeon ZAV Yearlings 2000, 2° Ace pigeon Middle Distance Hoogstraten 2001 + 2002, and mother of ‘Little Boy’, ‘Elfpender’, ‘Primera’ etc…  and full sister of a.o. ‘Taranta 323/03’ or the father of ‘National Treasure’ (as daughter of the ‘blue Orleans 093/95’ x ‘Wittekop Bil 396/95’).
Mother: B02-6354135 ‘Diamantje’
Self 1° Vierzon 617 p., 5° Prov Vierzon 3.240 p., 1° La Souterraine 291 p., 5° Prov La Souterraine 2.026 p., 2° Argenton 252 p. and 12° Prov Argenton 1.707 p., 72° Prov Montluçon 9.300 p… She is also a sister or half-sister of the ‘Blue Vierzonneke’, ‘Blue Girl’, ‘Iron Lady’, ‘Iron Men’, ‘Bloedpen’ etc…  as daughter of the ‘Blue Ijzeren 311/96’ x ‘Light Chequer As 305/96’ (out the ‘Goede Roden 226/89 with his 13 x 1° prize… x ‘Witte Meeuw 705/93’)!

Lucky B09-6326013
Won in 2010:

Quievrain             230 p.   2
Limoges        Nat 14.199 p.   8
Argenton       Prov 2.118 p.   7
               Zone 7.132 p.  14
               Nat 19.816 p. 106 
Bourges        Nat 17.138 p. 266
Vierzon      I.Prov 4.298 p. 101

Father:  B02-6354176 ‘White pen IJzeren’
Half-brother of the ‘Blue Ijzeren’ and once again a son of stock breeder ‘IJzeren 044/94’, a direct Staf Mertens (out the ‘Den 128/86’ x ‘Blue white pen Soontjens 292/88’,a direct Jos Soontjens) x ‘Witrug 833/94’ (daughter of the ‘Dark Orleans 813/93’ x ‘Vreemde Duivin 724/92’ from Wijns, Vilvoorde).
Mother: B99-6086966 ‘White pen Jaco’
Mother of the ‘Tarzan’, the ‘Last Daughter’, the ‘Lucky’ etc…
A direct Jaco De Winter, and full sister of the ‘Bestseller’! She comes self out the ‘Geschifte 560/90’ (a Louis Van Hove) x ‘Sierlijk 470/91’ (out the ‘Brother Turbo 205/89’, which was 5° Nat Ace pigeon… x ‘Blue 241/89).

Every phlegmatic fancier will already have noticed that all these top athletes from 2010 are related to each other… they more or less have the same stock lines as their ancestors. Which once again brings the homogeneous sock of the Geerinckx colony to the fore, and above all perfectly reflects and emphasises the exceptional breeding talents and hereditary power of the modern Geerinckx pigeon! Because to win a place at the ‘national top’… and to stay there for years, you don’t only need pigeons which can win everywhere and always… but you also need pigeons which can pass on this capacity to their descendants, generation after generation! Ingredients which are clearly present in Wommelgem… and which have allowed Luc, Bart & Jurgen to grow to be one of the leading colonies of our country in the races up to say 600 Km.

A few ‘highlights’ in the provincial and national races in 2010

15/05/2010 Vierzon 479 km
Club 499 o.b.       : 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 26, 31, 35, 36, 40, 44, ...(20/25)
I.Prov 8.869 o.b. : 33, 35, 44, 48, 50, 65, 100, 121, 153, 182, 191,... (20/25)
Club 237 yearlings     : 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22,...(16/22)
I.Prov 4.298 yearlings: 64, 70, 101, 109, 172, 198, 204, 263, 277, 278, 281,...(15/22)

22/05/2010 Bourges 483 km
Club 510 o.b.       : 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 22, 25, 26, 33, 41, 44, 45, ...(23/29)
Nat 22.476 o.b.    : 43, 75, 134, 139, 146, 194, 200, 310, 376, 401, ....

29/05/2010 Chateauroux 529 km
Club 618 yearlings     : 13, 20, 23, 26, 30, 32, 61,...(10/20)

05/06/2010 Chateauroux
Prov 2.412 o.b.    : 1, 4, 28, 60, 68, 77, 107, ...(10/23)
Prov 3.147 yearlings  : 1, 74, 84, 124, 132, 149, 168, 231, 238, ...(18/38)

13/06/2010 Chateauroux
Prov 1.832 o.b.    : 1, 7, 88, 121, 172, ... (8/13)
Zone B 6.149 o.b. z: 1, 11, 169, 238, 373,...(8/13).
Nat 17.109 o.b.    : 2, 45, 544, 819,...(8/13)
Prov 2.729 yearlings  : 13, 63, 235, 253, ...(5/5)
Zone B 8.353 yearlings: 35, 169, 590, 644,...(5/5)
Nat 22.718 yearlings  : 120, 579,...(5/5)

26/06/2010 Argenton
Prov 1.064 o.b.    : 3, 8, 21, 51, ...(10/14)
Prov 2.118 yearlings  : 7, 36, 66, 133, 176, 203, 208, ...(13/20)

11/07/2010 Limoges
Nat 14.211 yearling: 8, 126, 411, 495, 555, 1256,...(7/13)

01/08/2010 Tulle
Prov 808 yearlings    : 16, 46, 70, ...(5/8)

07/08/2010 Argenton
Nat 5.763 o.b.     : 3, 23, 212, 360, 592, ...(9/11)

21/08/2010 La Souterraine
Nat 4.778 o.b.    : 2, 12, 18, 115, 238, 460, 463, ...(11/13)