Admin2023-07-26T09:38:11+00:00Alfons & Helmut Klaas (Rietberg, GE) win the Derby Carpat 2018 and 1st and 4th prize in the ace bird championship
Admin2023-07-26T09:44:03+00:00Alfons und Helmut Klaas (Rietberg, DE) siegen im Halbfinale des Golden Algarve One Loft Race
Admin2023-07-26T09:44:26+00:00Are Helmut & Alfons Klaas (Rietberg, DE) the best One Loft Race fanciers worldwide?
Admin2023-07-26T09:44:29+00:00Helmut & Alfons Klaas (Rietberg, DE) are the number one combination in the One Loft Races!