In aceasta sectiune Team Florea Sorin va pune la dispozitie spre a cumpara super porumbei la pret fix. Toti porumbeii sunt fii si fiice, frati si surori, nepoti si nepoate din super porumbeii care au dominat si domina cursele internationale si care au castigat mii de premii la nivel local si national din Belgia, Olanda, Germania, UK, etc.

Team Florea Sorin asigura contracost, transportul porumbeilor pe teritoriul Romaniei si in toata Europa. Detaliile despre transport se vor discuta dupa finalizarea licitatilor. Castigatorul va fi contactat de catre un reprezentant Team Florea Sorin in vederea finalizarii tranzactiei.

Oricand intampinati probleme puteti sa ne scrieti pe adresa 

Click AICI pentru a va crea cont si a putea licita sau cumpara porumbei.  –

NOTA: Contul Dvs va fi aprobat in cel mai scurt timp, dupa ce veti fi contactat de catre un reprezentant Team Florea Sorin.


On this section of Team Florea Sorin website you can buy pigeons with an fixed price. All the pigeons are sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, grandchildren and nieces from super pigeons that dominated and dominate international races and won thousands of prizes at local and national level in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, UK etc.

Team Florea Sorin ensures with a payment the transport of pigeons on the territory of Romania and all over Europe. Details of the shipment will be discussed after the auctions have been completed. The winner of the auction will be contacted by a Team Florea Sorin representative to complete the transaction.

For any problem you can write to us at

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DV00507-12-1241 China RacerII – grandson Konig x Konigin

Original Helmut Klaas & Son
Father is CARLOS, direct son Konig x Konigin
nr.1 Drapa pair & one of the best in Germany ever
Mother is Konstantin Familie
15. place One Loft Race China – 3812 birds.

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

DV-03611-12-659 Charme Blue – double grd. daughter Mr. Blue

Original Lucking Loft
DV-03611-12-659 Charme Blue
H.sister to 3103, 1. prov. yearling hen 2011
H.sister to 3221, 5. prov yearling cock 2011
double grd. daughter  to legendary Mr. Blue Veenstra

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL07-3735000 Sister ARAGORN

Original Braad-De Joode

NL07-3735000 Sister ARAGORN
Full sister ARAGORN
5. NPO Pithiviers
5. NPO Chateauroux
6. NPO La Souterraine

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL09-1332460 Sister Blue Wing

Original Braad-De Joode

NL09-1332460 Sister Blue Wing
Full sister Blue Wing
21. NPO La Souterraine
Half sister HOME ALONE

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL-10-1033698 Daniel Dromer 6.-6.-26.-41

Original Jacob Poortvliet
NL-10-1033698 Daniel Dromer
6. St. Quentin(423km) – 1045 birds
6. Den Bosch (173km) – 244 birds
26. Hasselt (257km) – 1165 birds
1. ace bird Young + late tour club

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL10-3026481 Sister Aragorn

 Original Braad-De Joode
NL10-3026481 Sister Aragorn
Full sister to Aragorn
5. NPO Pithiviers
5. NPO Chateauroux
6. NPO La Souterraine
27. NPO Ruffec

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL-10-2021382 Miss Liza – 4x top 10 winner

Original Diego Wouters
NL-10-2021382 Miss Liza – 4x top 10 winner
Winner of 2,3,4,9,12,35 prize 
Sister to Mr. Lorris, 1,2,3,12,22,33,48 prize
She won 1. Lorris 1092 birds, 2 fastest 18500 birds
Bred from grandson Lowieke x daughter Scoubidu

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL-11-1407798 Carmen – H.sister 1. Geel 7495 birds

Original Marcel Sangers

NL-11-1407798 Carmen – H.sister 1. Geel 7495 birds
Niece EAGLE EYE, 1Nat. acebird long distance 2000 
Father is CARLOS
Mother is ‘t POOTJE

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL-11-5000079 Dark Princess – niece Magic Blue

Original Diego Wouters
NL-11-5000079 Dark Princess – niece Magic Blue
H.sister to Magin Sprint, winner 2×1 prize
Father is grandson FLITZER
Mother is Love
Sister to Magic Blue

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

NL-13-1655071 Madison

Original C & G Koopman
Father is Mister Allennig
1. NPO & fastest I/prov Blois 7541 birds
Mother is Miss Jenira
1. NPO breuil le Vert 4564 birds
16. NPO Pithiviers 4494 birds

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

IT-09088650 OLIMPIA. Daughter PREMIER 333 X UNIKA

Father is PREMIER 333. son of ROMINGYN and IRINA, the best Van Loon line – SILVER SHADOW.
Mother is UNIKA

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

BE15-6030866 Daughter Spider. Junior x Princess Pascal

Father is Spider Junior,

son from IL RAGNO


Willy & Ivan Baetens

Click here to see more informations or buy. 


BE15-6030163 brother Gilbert X daughter Beautiful

Father is Brother Gilbert,full brother to De Gilbert

Mother is Daughter Beautiful. 

Full sister to TOPPER 120-11

Click here to see more informations or buy. 


BE07-6379898 Son Koppensneller

Father is Koppensneller

 1. – 567 birds, 2. – 497 birds
2. – 365 birds, 3. 0=-239 birds
Mother is sister mother Natalia

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

BE-12-4044196 Limo Rose granddaughter Limoges & Super 309

Original Willy & Ivan Baetens
Father is Limoges II, from Limoges x Elastica
Mother is Limo Rose, great daughter Cobra x Super 309
H.sister to 1. Nat acebird Switzerland 2007

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

BE11-6327085 Sister 12 National Ace KBDK 2011

Sister 067/11
12. Nat. Ace bird KBDB 2011
Father is brother Dino
Mother is sister De Jan

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

BE-11-5170125 Love Prince 25

Original Rene Geladi
Father is Blue Ace Prince, original Pros Roosen.
He is grandson of Blauwe Prins, the Pros Roosen legend. Blauwe Prins won 2 prov., 4&11Nat.
Mother is Love, full sister to Blauwe Prins

Click here to see more informations or buy. 

BE-07-6207195 Mother Ablisduifje

Original Beeck-Baetens
Outstanding granddaughter to Dirk Van Dijk’s legend Kannibaal
3. NPO Ablis — 11945 birds
Grandmother to 7x original 1 prize winners

Click here to see more informations or buy. 


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