This is already the third national win for the Geerinckx family in about four years, after their first nat. Limoges 11,814 old birds in 2009 and the first nat. Argenton 12,447 old birds in 2012. This is an encouraging experience for Bart and Jurgen after the loss of their father Luc last year, who died too soon. His two sons successfully took over his pigeon breed, winning a second national victory within two years.
A sound and talented basis
We guess most of you already know that the Geerinckx pigeons are among the strongest in Belgium. It was their father Luc who formed the basis for this breed with the pigeons from his neighbour Jos Soontjens. This was a direct hit; these pigeons formed the basis for a superior sprint team for years. Later on he successfully switched to the middle distance and the grand middle distance competition. The real breakthrough came in 2004 as the Geerinckx breed was awarded as first National Champion Yearlings KBDB. The successful bloodlines of Gladiator, Willyke and Wittekop Sylvester turned this into a famous pigeon family and the Geerinckx pigeons became very popular even outside of Belgium. Their popularity further increased as they won more provincial first prizes and of course their third national victory.
But back to today’s topic. We noticed that the two successful hens from Argenton are closely related.
-Just Wait BE11-6226277
The national hen won three top 20 provincial places last year and this season she also took a second prize from Dourdan-Angerville and a second nat. Zone B1 from Montluçon two weeks ago, only being beaten by a loft mate. These are the most important prizes on her list of achievements:
’13 Argenton Prov 1,446 p. 1 Nat 16,363 p. 1 ’13 Montluçon Zone 2,545 p. 2 (behind a loft mate) Nat 18,568 p. 236 ’13 Angerville 615 p. 2 ’12 Blois Intprov 1,108 p. 4 ’12 Montlucon Prov 1,322 p. 12 ’12 Bourges Prov 1,975 p. 20 Zone 5,333 p. 26 Nat 14,598 p. 110 ’12 Salbris Prov 1,100 p. 44
She is a daughter of Rapido I BE04-2298053 (a direct Patricia Verhaegen, a great breeder and sire of Miss Rapid, Fast Boy, Rapid Girl, Favoriet and of course Just Wait) x Xena BE06-6413719 (winner of a 2nd nat. Argenton 5,034 p. and third fastest of 35,344 p, 89th nat. Bourges 11,759 p. etc. She is a pure Marcel Wouters hen. Click here for the full pedigree
-Black Lady BE11-6226316
She was electronically clocked just one second behind Just Wait and she had to be satisfied with a second national place. She also won a 9th nat. Bourges and a first prize from Dourdan-Angerville earlier this season:
’13 Angerville 615 p. 1 ’13 Argenton Prov 1,446 p. 2 Nat 16,363 p. 2 (behind loft mate Just Wait) ’13 Angerville 1,799 p. 23 ’13 Chateauroux Zo 3,270 p. 26 ’12 Bourges Prov 1,975 p. 2 Zone 5,333 p. 2 Nat 14,598 p. 9 ’12 Blois Intprov 1,108 p. 9
She is a daughter of Favoriet BE06-6346026, an excellent racer (winner of 1st Noyon 566 p.) and breeding pigeon and a half brother of Just Wait (as a son of Rapido I x Witpen Bourgeske) x Black & White BE06-4346099, winner of a 2nd nat. Ace Pigeon Entente Belge with an 8th nat. Argenton 5,208 p, 49th nat. Souillac 7,315 p, 65th nat. Argenton 7,353 p, 151st nat. Limoges 11,995 p. etc. (as a daughter of top pair Wittekop Sylvester x Willyke). Click here to see her full pedigree.
They had won the first and second national prize but that was not the end of the story. There was a whole group of pigeons that arrived at the loft shortly after. The overall result from Argenton at provincial level in Antwerp looks as follows:
Argenton Prov 1,446 old birds: 1-2-78-99-100-108-128-193-195-196-255-280-368-369-399-411 (16/21) Argenton Prov 2,768 yearlings: 4-26-32-39-67-74-204-233-269-272-293-298-452-652-810 (15/40)
The national top three in the yearlings’ category was won by fanciers from Antwerp as well and Bart and Jurgen will win a 4thnational place with their first yearling. In fact they basketed the exact same team for Argenton as they did for Montluçon two weeks ago, where they had a great result as well:
Montluçon Nat Zone B1 against 2,545 old birds: 1-2-3-6-9-14-24-70-78-80… (en 20/24) Montluçon Nat Zone B1 against 3,721 yearlings: 2-4-5-9-16-17-19-23-26-27-28-44-51-105-106… (26/51)
The Geerinckx pigeons have been performing very well in other lofts as well. Premier Van Tilburg from Baarle Hertog won for instance a third national prize yearlings with a 100% Geerinckx pigeon, a grandson of Gladiator. In fact both parents are direct Geerinckx pigeons.
Many congratulations to the Geerinckx team! Bart and Jurgen, keep up the good work!