The same day when Andreas Drapa left for Germany, Mr. Sorin received the visit of the great German champions Klaus Stieneker and Alfons Klaas. During 3 weeks, Mr. Sorin was visited by 4 “legends” of the pigeonsport that is: Marcel Sangers, Andreas Drapa, Klaus Stieneker and Alfons Klaas. Dr, Brockamp, also a great German champion will soon visit Florea Sorin. In March, Eros Carboni will come again in Bucharest. He will join Eros Carboni and participate in a pair with him at the international races and on the loft races from Italy.
After Andreas got his doves back, me and Mr. Sorin received tens of phone calls from Wetsern Europe.These were thanking us, sending us their sympathy and expressing joy. First we have to mention the exemplary way the Romanian authorities worked in this case; this was a pleasant surprise for the authorities from Germany, due to the proximity of action. Thus, Andreas Drapa thanks to all those involved in the recuperation of his doves. Such theftmust stop. This was a proof that the lie and the theft cannot last long. It was a proof that justice wins finally. There are still many stolen doves in Romania, and many of us know where they are , but they prefer to keep silent.
Some people even buy eggs or offsprings from these stolen pigeons. I’d like this people to try and think how the other person feels, when his doves are stolen. I’d like to hear Andreas Drapa saying how bad he felt when his doves were stolen. To hear how his wife cannot sleep well since then and how she feels insecure in their own house. Such theft triggers secondary dramas , that others do not think about.I believe that these thieves will be found out and that they will be excluded forever from the domain of pigeonsport.And those who buy stolen doves or receive doves from the latter should be treated like the latter, because they participate to a crime: it is the concealment offense, that is a complicity to the others’ theft.
Although many do not believe , Andreas left his famous females in the reproduction lofts of Team Florea, for common mating with the great males Mr. Sorin has. It is the first time in all his pigeonsport career when Andreas Drapa allows common mating with another pigeon owner. As he appreciated the value of the doves Mr. Sorin had, in Germany appeared the Drapa& Florea pair. Andreas took 15 doves in Germany from the Team Florea aviaries, so as to breed them there with his best breeders. Of course, the resulting offspringsafter these breedings common between Germany and Romania will be shared equally by the two friends.
Klaus Stieneker had visited Mr. Sorin in 2013, together with Jan Hooymans. For Alfons, “Alfie” Klaas it was the first visit. Right from the beginning, because Mr. Sorin has been living in Germany for 13 years and speaks this language perfectly, the German champions have treated him like a brother, like one German person. It is funnt to read certain articles on the homologuous sites, where dove lovers use the word “friend” so easily. They either do that on purpose, or they do not know the meaning of the “friend” word . It is not enough to take a picture of ourselves with a pigeon lover from the Western countries and thus, to label that “photo” as “my good friend”. This means nothing….Maybe only deceiving the naive people. But we are friends with these people indeed, and ,with some of them, we are brothers. …YES…Just like we call them “our German or Belgian brothers”, they also call us “ our Romanian brothers”.We so easily speak about promoting the image of Romania’s pigeonsport abroad. …Who does actually do it and who really does not ??? …At the time being , if we ask any pigeon lover from Europa what he can tell us about the pgeonsport in Romania….in 99% of the cases the answer will be just one: “not much, but we heard about Florea Sorin”. And that is true and I can state that with all modesty.
In 2013 Team Florea participated for the first time at the South Africa Million Dollar Race – in the loft race, together with Klaus Stieneker. This year, Team Florea will form two pairs: one with Klaus Stieneker and one with Alfons Klaas, the king of loft races. Also, as they were impressed by the value of the doves they found in Bucharest, they immediately decided to form tandems (pairs) with Mr. Sorin in Germany, too.Mr. Sorin will send them a lot of 30 squabs with Romanian rings, both to Klaus Stieneker and to Alfons Klaas. Per total, Team Florea will send 90 offsprings to 3 from the greatest champions that ever lived in Germany!!!! So, squabs with Romanian rings, this is again a very good promotion of the Romanian pigeonsport abroad! When great champions like Klaus Stieneker and Alfon Klaas decide to bring to their aviaries offsprings with Romanian rings, it means they respect you both as a human being and as a friend and that they appreciate the value of your doves.
These visits were real courses of pigeonsport, and the German masters shared with us all their life experience regarding the reproduction, the flight and the food of the doves. I learned so many new things that I could write a book. In fact, this is the real pigeonsport to my opinion: long and constructive talks about the doves and the pigeonsport . I remember the words of the great Corneliu Cretulescu, who at the end of the 90’s, though he was more that 70, used to tell me: “Young man, even at this age I am learning new things about the pigeonsport and I will discover new things till I will die.” The master was right! I saw very constructive discussions between Klaus Stieneker and Alfons Klaas, on the other hand and Ion “Mazare” and Petrica Cocos, on the other hand. Experience and vision pigeonsport exchanges in the most sincere possible way. Both Klaus Stieneker and Alfons Klaas were delighted to hear that Mr. Sorin wants to unite all the pigeon lovers in Bucharest, and they said that only through union we can be powerful and we can be recognized by the Western countries, while disunion and separation lead nowhere.
The two will send this year a lot of offsprings at the Balkanik Fair Play Loft Race, to measure their forces with the Romanian pigeon lovers.
To better understand the Romanian spirit, our guests from Germany have eaten only Romanian food, and they were pleased by the Romanian cuisine. For that, Mr. Sorin chose the best location, that is Club Piranha ( here, to our opinion they offer the best bio food from Bucharest). Club Piranha belongs to Coman Catalin, a pigeon lover, too.Marcel Nicolaescu – the Vice Mayor of Bucharest, a pigeon lover and friend of us- has also joined us.
Alfons Klaas was so impressed by Mr. Sorin’s doves, that he kindly asked me to note down the name of the dove pairs from which he wanted us to send offsprings to him, for flight, as well as the pairs from which he wants to have doves at the breeding. This is the same with Klaus Stieneker, as he has already sent during the last month, the best breeding females , to be bred with Mr. Sorin’s males.