Our visit in Belgium and Holland , this year, started with Benny Steveninck. A name that is almost unknown for the dove fanciers in Romania, but a great champion in Belgium for more than 20 years. Actually, at the time being, he is considered the best at Middle Distance Races in Belgium, due to his recent results and not only.
Benny’s name will always be associated with the name of his legendary dove”CHIPO”. This great champion has bred a whole line of champions, for several generations(!!!), including the present-day star of the loft: “SUN”- 1 Big Ace at Middle Distance Offsprings , Belgium KBDB 2013.
Benny noticed “Chipo’s” qualities as a breeder, right from the beginning.After the extraordinary results obtained as an offspring, when he won the title of County Ace – Offsprings, Benny felt it necessary to keep all the offsprings of this great male.
Thus, from “CHIPO”, he obtained 2-4 squabs per yearever since the latter was an yearling! Thus, immediately, he got top birds and top breeding pigeons!!!( let’s not forget here the advice given by Dr. Brockamp regarding the value of the yearling in the breeding lot). This pigeon line made Benny a real champion at Middle Distance Races and, later, at Great Middle Distance Races. His pigeons are very powerful, fast and intelligent , and Benny knew to use these qualities right from the beginning.
The moment when Benny decided to successfully take part in the Middle Distance Races , he understood, right from the beginning, that he has to involve himself with the best doves. The first one he contacted was Willy Vanhoute ( again an unknown name in Romania, but a real legend in Belgium) , and he bought many squabs. Surprising or not, the results appeared immediately.
Besides these great doves, Benny bought pigeons from the following pigeon lovers: Eric Brootcoorens, Johan Van Damme, Sylvain Verstraeten, Michel Hautkiet and Geert & Clara Philips. The present-day breeding lot is made up of 24 pairs, among which 60% are sons, daughters, brothers or sisters of the legendary “CHIPO”. When “CHIPO” was finally brought to mate, after an exceptional career, he was immediately mated with “Hautkiet 89” B03-4328989, a female from Michel Hautkiet. They formed a “golden” pair, as they immediately became the parents of the following great birds (in the first generation):”Chihaut 100” (B04-4138100), De Crack or “De Crack” (B05-4323999), “Chihaut 98” (B05-4323998). As each time, Team Florea Sorin promotes the pigeonsport in Romania at the highest level.